Our Impact

MII’s ultimate goal is to accelerate the development of next-gen materials for the fashion, automotive, and home goods industries. Since our inception in 2019, our expert research and analysis have mapped the advent of the next-gen materials industry. We have become a trusted knowledge partner for material companies, scientists, brands, entrepreneurs, and investors by bringing important issues of the next-gen materials industry to the center stage and thus aiding in its advancement.

We measure our impact by:

Supporting the next-gen materials industry through rigorous research

MII serves as a first-of-its-kind, centrally located knowledge base for the next-gen materials industry. We explore critical opportunities and challenges facing the next-gen materials industry through our reports. Our research provides:

  • An up-to-date understanding of the state of the next-gen materials industry.
  • Scientific assessments of materials and white space opportunities to inform and help guide existing innovators and entrepreneurs entering the industry.
  • Consumer research on the adoption and perception of next-gen materials to inform brands and motivate them to bring next-gen materials into their supply chains.
  • Database of new innovators and disruptive technologies as a resource for industry stakeholders.

Sharing knowledge to better understand next-gen materials

To help create better awareness of and scale the next-gen materials industry, MII serves as the leading knowledge resource for scientists, material innovation companies, investors, and other key stakeholders to gain insights into scientific trends and technologies, the investment landscape, and partnership opportunities.

We provide:

  • Scientific analysis
  • Investment statistics and trends
  • Technical, positioning, and business advice for next-gen materials companies
  • Expert commentary and analysis in major national and international media
Silk and Textiles from Next Gen Materials - MII
Material Swatches - Next Gen Material Impact

Convening leaders and creating an open-minded forum to discuss next-gen materials

MII serves as an ecosystem builder for the next-gen materials industry by fostering connections between players to maximize innovation. We create a dynamic network of industry leaders by:


  • Connecting researchers across the industry and introducing scientists to material companies.
  • Hosting year-round webinars to build partnerships between industry stakeholders.
  • Presenting funding opportunities through our investor and start-up-focused initiatives.
  • Facilitating introductions between brands and material innovators.

Providing culture and policy documents to other nonprofits

Starting and operating a nonprofit is arduous work—work that not everyone has time to do or experience to draft. MII believes in sharing our resources to help other nonprofits, including, but not limited to, our founding documents, policies, values, and other materials related to culture. We currently share these documents upon request and are building a Resources Library to include these materials for use, in whole or in part, by anyone who wishes to use them.

Further, we hope to improve the nonprofit community by sharing these resources. We believe in developing a fair and transparent pay structure, creating values and norms, and detailing exactly what is expected from our employees and what they should expect from us. Nonprofit organizations have not always operated with these values in mind. We hope that by sharing information among the community, we can assist in making these a standard, and not an exceptional practice.

“MII’s conference was the first place dedicated to next-gen materials and an exciting opportunity. The reports make conversations with both brands & with investors easier. Speaking with and getting mentorship from Thomasine, Sydney, Nicole, Elaine & others at MII is valuable on so many fronts. MII is the soft power, influence, and education needed to propel the entrepreneurs in the space.”

Zimri T. Hinshaw, CEO

Bucha Bio

“The value of MII’s role as a relationship facilitator in the next-gen materials industry cannot be overstated. The MII team played a vital role in getting us in touch with the right investors, which ultimately led to the close of our first pre-seed funding round, fueling us with the resources and momentum needed to create sustainable plant-based fur. We simply could not have crossed this milestone without them.”

Martin Stübler, Co-Founder


“MII played a huge part in supporting us to make this [partnership with NFW] happen. MII understands the important role that manufacturers can play in expediting a shift into next-gen materials, and helps manifest collaborations amongst material innovators, brands, and original equipment & design manufacturers (OEM/ODM) like Veshin Factory. It’s great to have this example now to inspire more stakeholders in the industry to collaborate.”

Joey Pringle, Founder & Co-Owner

Veshin Factory

“MII, thank you for featuring our company Spidey Tek’s spider silk fibers technologies in one of your next-gen material reports. Since its publication, our company has received several inquiries from multinational corporations interested in partnering to bring our eco-friendly sustainable materials/products to market. Thanks again for this invaluable opportunity.”

Roberto Velozzi, CEO

Spidey Tek

Read Our AnNual Report 2023

We hope you will be inspired to learn more about the next-gen materials industry after your journey through the stories and triumphs that fill MII’s 2023 Annual Report. Our stories reflect the promise and uniqueness of the next-gen materials industry, representing an awe-inspiring blend of beauty, nature, innovation, and technology.

Read some of our statistics, quotations about our work, and impact in our 2023 report and our previous annual reports. We would have never been able to do this without our community of supporters and colleagues. Thank you!

MII 2022 Guide Star
MII 2022 Great NonProfit
MII 2021 Animal Charity Evaluators

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