
At MII, we envision a future where all materials used in the fashion, automotive, and home goods industries are good for the planet and compassionate to its inhabitants. A future where leather bags are crafted from mycelium and orange peels are spun into silk bedsheets. But we are still a long way from next-gen materials being a promising trend to a viable economic future.

We sustain our vision of advancing sustainable, animal-free next-gen materials through the generosity of foundations, corporations, and individual donors. With your support, MII can continue to build a cleaner, kinder world. 


MII’s case for support


  • Dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Save the lives of trillions of animals
  • Prevent mass deforestation
  • Significantly reduce microplastic pollution
  • Help end forced labor

Together we can. View our Case for Support to learn more about MII’s mission, theory of change, and global impact.

The Impact of the Modern Materials Industry


  • Over 3.6 billion animals are killed, sheared, or plucked each year to produce leather, fur, wool, down, and exotic skins.
  • The fashion industry is projected to emit 25% of global GHG emissions by 2050.
  • 10% of the chemicals used in textile production cause cancer, gene mutations, reproductive and hormonal abnormalities, organ damage, and premature death.

Learn more about how the modern materials industry is impacting animals, humans and the planet, and how MII is accelerating the development and adoption of sustainable and animal-free materials by downloading our two-page explainer document.

See the Explainer

Why support MII

Your donation can help MII:

  • To support the next-gen materials industry through rigorous research
  • To continue being a trusted knowledge partner for material companies, scientists, brands, entrepreneurs, and investors; and
  • To convene leaders and create invigorating discourse around next-gen materials.

Double Your Support Through Your Employer

Does your employer offer a corporate matching gift? Many companies financially match donations that their employees make to nonprofit organizations. When an employee makes a donation, the employee usually needs to request the matching gift from their employer, who then makes their own donation. Companies usually match donations at a 1:1 ratio, but some will match at a 2:1, 3:1, or even a 4:1 ratio. MII is currently set up to receive corporate match distributions through Benevity. If your employer has special requirements for nonprofit eligibility and distribution, please reach out to so we can help maximize your gift.