White Space #1: Sub-categories with Limited Innovation

Jun 17, 2024


In 2021, in collaboration with The Mills Fabrica, we published our first White Space report for next-gen materials that identified seven key white spaces—the unmet and unarticulated needs of the industry.

In 2024, we’re bringing you a new series of reports on each white space, each one a comprehensive look at everything you need to know about the white space in question.

Whether you are a material startup looking for high growth opportunities, a scientist developing a new technology or material, a brand looking for the future trends and needs of sustainable products, or an investor thinking of strategically diversifying into next-gen materials, we are certain these reports will inspire your next move.

Join us for the first in this series: Sub-categories with Limited Innovation, where we present the burgeoning industries of next-gen silk, wool, down, and fur, highlighting the critical need for innovation and expansion in these sectors in particular. The number of next-gen leather start-ups is high, signaling a necessary shift in focus toward other materials that are ripe for development.


Our report explores four pivotal aspects for each white space material:

  1. Market Potential: What is the market size of the incumbent industries, and therefore, the market potential for their next-gen alternatives?
  2. Uniqueness: What are designers and consumers looking for when they purchase these materials and what sets the material apart?
  3. Innovation Potential: How can these materials surpass their predecessors?
  4. Creation Targets: What are some of the performance and aesthetic metrics any new material needs to meet in order to surpass the incumbent material?

White spaces are not only missed opportunities, but a lot of times also barriers to the growth and adoption of next-gen materials. We need to direct interests, attention, and resources to fill these gaps for the benefit of accelerating the entire next-gen materials industry.


This report serves as a clarion call for entrepreneurs and investors to channel their resources into the less saturated, yet equally vital, areas of next-gen wool, down, fur, and silk. By doing so, they will not only fill a significant gap in the market but also contribute to a more sustainable and ethical future.

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